Thursday, April 16, 2020


I am lucky that I am very comfortable staying to myself.  I've always been a bit of a recluse, since I am basically an introvert.

And so far, I've not had any depression or feelings of loneliness.  Having both your daughters and a husband in the house lends a little help in that arena.  But I have always been comfortable in my own skin.

We have the internet, phones, tv, movies, deliveries from Amazon (although they are not doing as well as they used to...  even the simplest deliveries are S L O W.  People using Skype or Zoom if they need to be face to face.  We have contact if we need it.

But every time I listen to our governor YET AGAIN hold another tv update at 2:30 EVERY DAY, I am over it. Every time I have to go to the store and they play over their intercom a recording about social distancing and how you are expected to cough or sneeze into your arm or a tissue, I am over it.   Every time I watch a show and the endless public service announcements or commercials with supposedly famous people in it (I have NO idea who these people are - which says more about my social networking skills than anything else) telling me "We're all in this together,"  I am over it.   It sounds like George Orwell's 1984 - the voice droning over a speaker system with propaganda and brainwashing diatribes.

Other parts of this scenario remind me of the movie I Am Legend.  If you don't know the movie - watch it.

I'm not saying this isn't a serious issue.  Covid-19 can be deadly for the people who are compromised in the first place.  That would be me.  I meet most of the criteria for it.  But the government is finding out how easy it is to control people through fear and giving the same messaging over and over and over and over....   I don't want fear to be a part of my life.  God tells me FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU.   And I believe that.

My heart breaks at how quickly we have become a police state without even thinking about the circumstances around the situation.  Governments and police banning drive-in church services - that is wrong. No one is close to each other when you are sitting in your car, and being social creatures and lovers of God, we need some camaraderie and Godly guidance.  Arresting a father for playing ball with his 6 year old daughter and wife in an empty park...  the cops should be furloughed without pay for a month over that stupidity.  A surfer being arrested for surfing on a deserted beach.  I can go on...  

So wondering where everyone stands on this.  If one of my daughters were to get sick, it is my understanding that I would have to drop her off and I would not be allowed into the hospital - yet they are minors.  What mother or father would simply give up their child entirely to strangers in any situation?  I don't think any of us, as parents, are okay with that.  Whatever happened to personal responsibility in these matters?  Am I not allowed to take my chances?

So, where is the balance?

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