Thursday, September 07, 2006

Video of Kenzie at Navy Pier

On Labor Day, we went to Navy Pier. They had a small stage set up in the front part, and Kenzie wanted to participate in a game she watched them play. When we first got there, she saw kids playing "Pass the Stinky Fish" - which was played like Hot Potato. We came back 2 hours after she had first seen it so that she might have a chance to play. She got picked to go up on the stage.

So, she is up on stage - and from one of the pics I took, she looked stage struck. But she was very competitive and had been able to pick up on the object of the game quickly. However, she got caught holding the fish after 2 rounds of music. What she did when she had to leave made everyone in the audience fall in love with her. You can't hear it very well, but there was a huge 'AAAAAWWWWW" from the entire crowd.

When she came back to her seat, she said, "I won." I didn't tell her otherwise. She sees herself as a winner... and I think everyone else did, too.

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