Monday, February 05, 2007

What a 4 year old thinks

This morning, while driving my daughter to daycare, she asked me, "Mommy, where do you see God?"

I answered her, "Every time I look at you, I see God. Every time I look at a baby, I see God. Every time I see a tree or the blue sky, I see God. Every time I see someone doing something kind for another, I see God."

She said, "Yeah, and every time I see a mommy or a daddy, I see God."

That is the sweetest thing...

Then there was the other night at dinner. We were sitting around the dinner table finishing up eating, and of course our daughter got into an intersting conversation with her daddy about the snowman they built a week ago. It has mostly melted, although there is still quite a good ball of hard packed snow left. However, her daddy is wanting to bring snowman inside. This is her answer...


Emma said...

What a sweetheart!

Julie said...

I consider this her practice for when she 's 15 years old and arguing for something she really wants (and isn't good for her!). Like, going out with a boy who has spiked hair, tattoos and body piercings, and rides a motorcycle.

I hope we can keep up with her!