Thursday, October 09, 2008

Consulate appointment

OMIGOSH! We got word that our consulate date (not yet confirmed) is November 17. We're almost there. We just need confirmation on travel dates.

Yippeeee! OH, Jia... we're coming and soon you'll have a family. And WE will have YOU!

It looks like we'll be able to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary in China, as well as Kenzie's birthday (we'll probably have to do it a day early - we'll be leaving China on the 18th, the day after the consulate date).

Nothing compares to the feelings you have with each step of the adoption as you get closer and closer to actually going and being there.

There's still so much to do...


Gina (Caleeo) said...

I am so happy that you are one step closer. I hope you get your travel dates very soon. I so understand the joy that comes as each part of the journey comes together.

Julie said...

Thanks, Gina! I can't believe we are so close...