Sunday, May 24, 2009

Haircut time

With the weather getting hotter, the kids were begging for me to get them haircuts. They were so sweaty by the end of the day.

I hated to cut a lot of hair off - so I decided on leaving as much on their heads as possible and still getting it off their necks. Here you can see before and after pics. Jia's hair had really grown out over the last six months.

Jia Before

Kenzie Before

Looks to me like Jia loves the haircut process.
She saw Kenzie getting her haircut and was very cooperative.

Jia looks every inch the Broadway show girl.

Kenzie loves her haircut. And that smile
melts my heart, as always.

Oh, yeah. Broadway - here she comes.


Super Mommy said...
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Gail said...
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